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詳しくは Benchmarking M-Box - Isode's IMAP/POP Message StoreからMstone
$ cvs -d login
Logging in to
CVS password:
$ cvs -d co mozilla/mstone
$ cd mozilla/mstone/
$ gmake rpackage
[root@ns mstone]# ls build/package/Linux2.4_x86_OPT.OBJ/mstone/
bin        ChangeLog  checktime  cleanup    conf       data       doc        INSTALL    LICENSE    mstone     process    README     setup      timesync
[root@ns mstone]# build/package/Linux2.4_x86_OPT.OBJ/mstone/setup
mstone setup was never run.  Running setup.
/bin/ls: bin/*/bin: No such file or directory
No support for Linux2.4_x86 and nothing similar
ln: `.//mailclient': File exists
Netscape Mailstone.
Copyright (c) 1997-2000 Netscape Communications Corp.

The contents of this software package are subject to the Netscape
Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this
software except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy
of the License at

Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS"
basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See
the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations
under the License.

Alternatively, the this software package may be used under the terms
of the GNU Public License (the "GPL"), in which case the provisions of
the GPL are applicable instead of those above.  If you wish to allow
use of your version of this file only under the terms of the GPL and
not to allow others to use your version of this file under the NPL,
indicate your decision by deleting the provisions above and replace
them with the notice and other provisions required by the GPL.  If you
do not delete the provisions above, a recipient may use your version
of this file under either the NPL or the GPL.

Do you agree to the terms of the license? (yes/no) yes

Server has not been configured ( is an invalid address).
Do you want to setup a simple configuration now [y]?y

What is the name of the mail host []:

What is the user name pattern [mailtestuser%ld]:

What is the password pattern [myPassword]:

How many users [100]:

What is the first user number [0]:

    You can enter multiple machines like this: host1,host2

What is the name of the client(s) for default OS [localhost]:

What additional client(s) [none]:

Do you want to view the edited conf/general.wld [y]?
Here is the edited conf/general.wld:

# common setup info for tests
# See sample.wld for detailed usage

# Information on how the test is distributed and reported
# Test independent configuration

  comments      Netscape MSG4.15
  sysConfig     conf/sample.html        # File for additonal system config

  # Debug with short runs and a few clients, then increase test time
  # These get overridden in the test specific files (or the command line)
  clientCount   5       # nominal clientCount (usually overriden)
  rampTime      10s
  time          30s

  # each test should set a title in their CONFIG section
  # This is a reminder when using old test workloads
  title         Need to set test title

# Specify client machines

# Information on the test itself

# Use the  tag to set command defaults

  loginFormat   mailtestuser%ld
  passwdFormat  myPassword
  numLogins     100
  firstLogin    0
  numAddresses  100
  firstAddress  0

Do you want to generate a user LDIF file [y]?

What file to you want to create [conf/]?

Do you want to create a broadcast account [y]?

What is LDAP base DN []?

    Common additional makeusers arguments:
        -s storeName -x storeCount      Multiple store partitions
        [-3|-4]                         Configure for NSMS 3.x or 4.x
Any extra arguments to makeusers [-4]?

Generating conf/ (this can take a while)
Netscape Mailstone.
Copyright (c) 1998,1999 Netscape Communications Corp.
LDIF generation complete.  See conf/
        See the manual or INSTALL to create users using the LDIF file.

Make any additional changes to conf/general.wld and then re-run 'setup'
某Webmail clientが32クライアントくらいでエラーページだしたりするので、原因が何処にあるか調査してたのですが認証系のLDAP周辺は既にボトルネックではなくて、imapの応答そのものに原因があるように見えております。 courierがいいのか dovecotがいいのか M-BOX使用して…が良いのかという判断とIMAPの動作確認用ツールとして mstoneの用意なのです。ヽ(´ー`)ノmstone
Posted by minemaz at 2006年05月01日 04:56

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